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FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

How can I contact you?

If you have any question or you want to reach us, send us an email at We`re happy to be in contact with you :)

Can I return my order?

Unfortunately, you cannot return your order as it is produced especially for you.
To avoid your clothes not fitting, please be sure to check the size chart linked in every listing.

Can I cancel my order?

We can not cancel any orders, we have a standardized shipping method to guarantee fast and error free shipping. 

What if I need to change my address?

Once an order has been placed in our system, we can not change the address. If there is an error in your address, we have to wait and see if the package will be sent back to our warehouse.

How long does shipping take?

Our Products are shipped from our facility 2-3 business days after purchase. The duration of shipment is:

  • USA: 2-6 days
  • International 7-21 days

      What if an item in my order is wrong, damaged or defective?

      If this happens, please contact our customer service at We need your order number (#12345), a photo of the defective item and a description of what is damaged or defect. If you received a wrong item, we also need a photo of the barcode on the bag of the wrong product. Our customer service finds a solution :)